Taking an education loan in order to manage the finances of an education abroad is a smart move. Abroad education is important for your career growth; acquiring a degree from a prestigious university abroad is an eye-catching point on your resume. It will make you eligible to apply to globally leading companies. Even in India, companies are keenly interested in hiring employees who have an international degree, a high level of competence, a risk-taking attitude, and a willingness to learn from diverse cultures and dynamic personalities around them. Such individuals are believed to be exposed to new ideas, and having them onboard is a plus for any company.
Financial obstacles are one of the main reasons that let students drop their goal of studying abroad, specifically those coming from economically weaker sections. However, education loans are an option for such students. Apart from the many benefits associated with education loans, there are many pitfalls along the way.
Here are some common pitfalls that come in the way of an education loan abroad: